L’UNIVERSITE NATIONALE DES SCIENCES, TECHNOLOGIES, INGENIERIE ET MATHEMATIQUES (UNSTIM) is a thematic university that provides education and training in science, technology, mathematics, engineering, manufacturing, and production. UNSTIM, as an outstanding training institution, and a major scientific and technical research centre, is devoted to professionalising its training offers in order to enable the professional integration of all of its learners.
UNSTIM has the capability of providing a platform for molecular biology, parasitology and immunology in collaboration with the National Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers Laboratory (LFHV), the national reference viral diagnostic and research training laboratory. Its main activities are focused on the diagnostic of viral diseases such as Lassa, Ebola, Dengue, Marburg, Yellow fever, Zika, Chikungunya and Rift Valley fevers, Mpox, Influenza and other respiratory viruses using conventional PCR, RT-PCR, and Serology both in human blood and in mosquitoes. However, it is gradually extending its arm to genome sequencing of pathogens of public health concern.

Anges Yadouleton, PhD
Associate Professor UNSTIM/ Lab manager LFHV /LEAR

Olga Quenum
Finance manager

Praise Adewumi
Lab scientist/research assistant

Carine Tchibozo, PhD
Research scientist

Yvette Badou, PhD
Research Scientist

Falilath Sanoussi, PhD
Research Scientist

Gildas Hounkanrin, PhD
Research Scientist

Flocas Dansi-Soclo
Research Scientist

Zita Sagbohan
Research Assistant

Stéphane Sohou
Research Assistant

Ruth Chogolou
Research Assistant